Welcome to 'Let In The Light'. I am so happy you are here! Here are some quick tidbits about me :)
~Mama to two boys and life partner to my husband Andrew
~Former chronic worrier, cyclic depressive and anxiety sufferer
~Became aware of just how much power we have to create our reality with intention, some imagination, action and a big dose of self love
~Absolutely obsessed with personal development
~Also obsessed with quotes from thought legends both past and present
~Unwavering believer in the Human Potential
~I'm a Scorpio, Empath and Introvert
~Beyond excited that I discovered my Soul Purpose...that thing that fills us with so much hope and love and light and joy...
~Burning desire to guide others who are still in the darkness with the light of new awareness and epic growth journey experiences
~On a mission to raise the collective consciousness of the planet
~Writer of words that inspire
~Intuitive Life Coach & Transformational Guide~ess
~DIVA (embracer of my divinity and inner goddess)
~Also, I'm a pretty good baker ;)
In November 2019, I invested in a course called Speak & Inspire, and re-discovered my passion for writing...Soon after 'Let in the Light' was launched in January 2020. Although the course's main objective was to learn to speak and inspire, I found a way to express my voice through the written word:) I was beyond uncomfortable being out on this platform, but at that point I'd learned that if you're not uncomfortable, you're not growing! And guess what, I'm still pretty uncomfortable but have learned to make that discomfort my friend...I plan to keep expanding and growing and stay eons outside that comfort zone! And, it's my hope that you'll join me out here on this incredible journey to living our best, most magnificent life!
In this blog, you'll read about my struggles with mental health and all the tools, words and techniques I've learned from teachers, leaders and legends along this journey to self-love, self-healing and ultimately soul-purpose living. I want to share everything I am learning and implementing that could possibly help anyone experiencing the same things. As I continue to expand my awareness and ascend into soul purpose, this high vibrational energy will pour though the words into each post, with the goal of igniting YOU, my beautiful readers, with the inspiration, knowledge and excitement to take action in your lives!
Thank you for being here and investing in your growth! I'm so excited to journey along side you! xoxo
Copyright © 2022 Jessica Usher